Spinal Injuries

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Are you suffering from
Spinal Injuries?

Spinal injuries can be suffered in car or truck accidents, motorcycle crashes, participation in sports activities, or even just bending over to pick up a dropped object. They can cause considerable pain and discomfort. Some spinal injuries may even be disabling. At Lions Chiropractic & Injury P.A. in Winter Park, Dr. Rumley provides safe and effective treatment and pain relief for patients with a variety of spinal injuries.

Common Spinal Injuries and Symptoms


Motor vehicle accidents are the most common cause of whiplash injuries. Contact sports are the second most common cause. The injury is typically caused by the neck and head being suddenly and violently thrown forward and back. Symptoms might include headaches, loss of range of motion of the neck, neck and shoulder pain, and arm pain.

Spinal Disc Displacement

This is another injury that can be caused by a motor vehicle crash or by participating in a contact sport. In either case, the victim’s body is suddenly jolted forward and backward or vice versa. The pain and discomfort are felt in the lower back. Other symptoms may include pain across one side of the buttocks and down a leg and into a foot.

Spinal Nerve Compression

This injury is commonly known as a pinched nerve. It often causes pain, numbness, and weakness in a patient’s arm or leg. The injury is usually caused by pressure on a spinal nerve from a vertebra, spinal disc, or material from a spinal disc. The symptoms of spinal nerve compression mimic those of spinal disc displacement, but the injuries are different. Symptoms of nerve compression can consist of a sharp or burning painful sensation, tingling or a numb sensation, and weakness in an arm or leg or even a hand or a foot.

Soft Tissue Injuries

After an impact or overuse in sports activities, these injuries aren’t just limited to the spine. They might be located just about anywhere in a person’s body. Symptoms might include soreness, swelling, loss of range of motion, or bruising. They typically involve injuries to the muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

Contact Our Chiropractor in Winter Park, FL

Call (407) 277-0046 today to schedule your appointment with a member of our experienced chiropractic care team. Always compassionate, always professional, we have answers to your questions regarding the pain of sciatica.

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